7/17/2015 - The School/Church has been officially opened and blessing many people and students. Thank you all so much for all of the support that you have offered, and enabled us to get this far. There is still so much more to do to complete this project and make it a comfortable place for learning and worship, so continued support is greatly appreciated to assist those who would have nothing without the help of those who do.
It is official everyone! The construction for Project Hope has begun! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, read along as I share with you the shocking reality that my friends call home.
In the middle of a ten mile long garbage dump just across the boarder of Texas in Matamoros, Mexico lives a community of people without electricity, education, and proper nutrition. In this garbage dump, hundreds of families live, furnish their homes, clothe their children, and relentlessly rummage through the garbage for sustainable food. In the middle of the dump laid a small, decaying church, which brought hope to many families. Sadly, a few years ago a hurricane came in and swept what little they had away, including the church. When I heard of what had happened, I felt moved with compassion and felt responsible to respond. Listen, sometimes God makes us aware of a situation to propel us into action!
So, not only are we going to rebuild what was lost, but we are going to bless them by building a school, a church, two outhouses and provide the families with basic medical supplies. Isn't that like the nature of God? To take that which was lost and to graciously pour out blessings and to multiply it!
You can see in this picture that the playground that we built out of recycled material that we dedicated was untouched in the hurricane and the children are still having a blast!
We also had a picnic where hundreds came for food, supplies, and games. I was surprised at how many children had never had a hamburger or hotdog before. It makes me think of how blessed we are in America to be able to go to school and have the necessities to sustain good health. We have to do something for these precious families living among garbage.
Our Plan of Action: PROJECT HOPE
Our vision is to have one building that will accommodate both a church and a school. School will be in session five days a week and church will be held on Sunday mornings. We also want to open a Deliverance Center there in the future.
This month on Good Friday we began clearing away the debris of the church that has become a safety hazard from the hurricane. We want to provide the community with basic medical supplies as well, because last summer there was a little boy who cut his finger and there was no antiseptic or even a bandage, and in a garbage dump, infection can spread fast. We cannot let this continue.
Many of you who know me know this: I am determined and will accomplish this for Jesus and the little children.
The basic foundation of the building will cost $10,000. That doesn't include electricity, outhouses, or medical supplies. We also want to provide 180 children with free schooling. The cost for one child to receive education, a uniform, and lunch is $150.00.
Although this is an exciting time, it's also a lot of work. We need our Prayer Warriors to be on guard and to stand with us in agreement for the money to come in quickly and in abundance. We are asking for prayer that people's hearts would be moved with compassion to take action.
I know it's only the beginning, but we see a dump turning into a village. In the past two years, Angela Greenig Ministries has built a home for a single mother of seven children, along with the playground you saw in the picture above. This year we want Project Hope to come to completion and for these children who are living just over the boarder of Texas in the garbage dump to be given a hope and a future!
Please consider joining us prayerfully and financially as we begin to break ground for Project Hope. It is such a wonderful opportunity that God has given us!
Angela Greenig Ministries wants to show our appreciation by hanging an honorary Plaque on the building with the names of the ministries and people who believed in these children and gave to our vision. We believe God is good and wants good things for His children!
You know the saying, "You can feed a man every day, but if you teach him how to fish, he can feed himself." And that's what we plan to do!
Til the end, Angela
To give financially to Project Hope, you can do so by clicking on the button below, which will take you to Angela Greenig Ministries website where you will be directed to our PayPal account. Please make a note in the "comment" section that this money is to be used for "Project Hope." Please also include the correct spelling of your name or ministry for the plaque.
Give to Project Hope
Angela Greenig Ministries
1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy SE
Ste 104, #219
Auburn, WA 98092-8157