Project Hope Pakistan
Pakistan update March 10-12, 2017
My journey began with going back into Lahore, Pakistan for the fifth time over the years. As I was preparing to go, 7 days before I left, the TV news was reporting that 8 people had just been killed in the square in Lahore, Pakistan, right down the street from the hotel that I would be staying at. Isis is real. Within 6 weeks over 300 people were hospitalized, and I don’t have exact numbers on how many died. Many were hurt due to the oppressive nature there. It is a Muslim nation, remember that. Being a Christian is so real to me. As I was there during Purim, a converted Muslim lady, now being a Christian, was waiting to be hanged. The newspapers said that it was stated, “We make an example of her.”
Angela Greenig Ministries thanks all of you for your love and financial support that enabled me to go there, build, and help to establish a real life to thousands of people in Lahore. Please consider helping by becoming a partner for ‘Project Hope Pakistan’ to build schools, wells and hope at www.angelagreenig.com/pakistan-mission-
Friday, 3/10:
I traveled with Bishop Yaqub Paul (my spiritual Son) to begin the day training with about 700 of our Solid Rock Bible College graduates. There are thousands of them now! There are many new faces, but many familiar friends were there as well, having had a long way to get there. We had a celebration like I have only experienced in very few nations that I have ever been to. They are a very gracious, respectful and honoring people, and greeted me with abundant arrangements of flowers, cheers, hugs and much love. We then began with the all-day training sessions. My theme was ‘Take off all Limitations and In the Caves of Intimacy there you will find Him’.
Saturday, 3/11:
We went to Bishop Yaqub’s home base church and recorded video for TV, TV and more TV. What an exciting time that was to return to what had been established years ago. ‘Angela’s TV Studio’ was created 5 years ago there, and still stands strong. While doing interviews, gun shots rang out through the air, along with sounds of the hustle and bustle of village life.
Saturday Evening, 3/11:
We assembled a Healing meeting in a village outside of the city. What a time we had of worship, song, dance and especially the Word of God. He still Heals today, is what I preached on, and many experienced exactly that, as they were healed of tumors and eye disease. I believe the greatest of the healings, as always, is for their souls in salvations, and by providing HOPE.
Sunday, 3/12:
In the morning we held service at an open air church, and had so many people from the village come that they need to stand outside of the Big Tent. Many of them came in the back to hear the word of the living God. I prophesied, preached the Word, and it was a powerful time.
Sunday Afternoon, 3/12:
The Gypsy Slums
Here the men we hired were digging a well. The people were very curious, and came from all over this large village to see the white American….Me!!! As we recorded video and walked, the children came from everywhere with their families, emerging from makeshift houses with plastic over their heads. This is poverty and beyond. The smell of sewage, animals and fire smoke was choking. It was unbelievable. As I went around the bend, the Holy Spirit said, “STOP, you must build another WELL”. My obvious replay was, “Yes, Father, I will”, and when I left that evening Well #2 was in progress. This 2nd well is near the school which AGM has started.
I have hired 2 school teachers to come in for the classes, and we purchased desks and chairs. I prayed, “Father, please send me help so that I can help your children”. The children were all gathered, and as they sat down Bishop Yaqub Paul and his team opened up, and it was my time to give a word. I sat right in the middle of all the children, and told them. You can be anything you want to be. Just Dream big. We laughed, and I had tears. The eyes and smiles of the children are incredible. You would never know that these little ones are in such bad poverty. Their life expectancy is not high living in this area.
As I prayed for the school, I turned and looked at the Pastor to the slums and said, “Sir we bought you a motorcycle”. He is now able to get around for going and doing all of the work that is needed, since the area covers a few miles. A worship tent has been started there as well. I’m telling you, I will never be the same again. There is so much more to share. Please help by becoming a partner for ‘Project Hope Pakistan’ to build schools, wells and hope. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Can you believe that $120.00 a month can hire a school teacher to provide what I call Projects Hope greatest need, to teach the children that there is hope and that they can have an education. The children were so excited.
Of course I will also be building them a real playground too. The wells are in!!! The school tent is up and school has begun. We are currently raising money for an actual building for the children to attend. Will you please consider assisting in the great need for this advancing, continuing project? Just visit www.angelagreenig.com to view additional information on becoming involved and updated.
From the Fathers heart to yours
Till the end
I want to personally thank everyone for their prayers for Pakistan! Everyone who prayed with me was there in spirit. In the picture below, you can see some of the Pastors that were ordained by our Solid Rock Bible College. My spiritual son Bishop Yaqub Paul, who has been heavily involved since 2003, is family. Thousands have gone through the bible college, and started churches not only throughout Pakistan, but also other nations. From schools, to outreaches, to water wells, to churches, and the little things we take for granted everyday like a cell phone, we have been able to help supply and support these pastors who risk their lives every day to preach the Gospel message of Jesus Christ in a Nation mostly Muslim.
There is so much more work needing to be done. The other year I was in Sweden with Pastors Peter and Anna Fagerhov and, with the offering they provided, I was able to take every penny and build a church. I did it in honor of their son, Christian, my Viking brother.
So, with this in mind, will you please pray about helping us? Angela Greenig Ministries wants to continue going in, preaches Jesus Christ and doing BIG crusades in Pakistan, as the End Times are upon us. We want to build even more and put more pastors through Bible College who have answered the call upon their lives, and with great pride travel throughout Pakistan to reach the multitudes. We want to provide these precious pastors with the crucial supplies they need to make it possible for them to GO. Please lift up these pastors in prayer as they risk their lives every single day.
If you would like to help support a pastor or would like to know more information about what we do in Pakistan, all questions can be directed through under the "contact" Tab located at the top right of the website. If you are interested in becoming a prayer partner or a monthly supporter, please click 'Partner Here' below to donate, and thank you for your support.