God Is Releasing The Roar - Two Rods of Revival
The sound of a ROAR is being released from heaven throughout the land. Isaiah 66:6 (NIV) says, “Hear that uproar from the city, hear that...

Light Bearers - Releasing Redemption in Dark Times
The year 2022 is here, and we are bearing witness to unprecedented shifts around the world. We are seeing an increase in disease, natural...

America: Get ready to stand up and truly be the voice!
America: God is getting ready to shake things up! He has all Governmental authority throughout this land, and He will not stand by and...

As we journey further into this new year of 2021, I believe the Lord is laying the groundwork for one of the greatest outpourings of...

"Pentecost 2020: Extreme Outpouring - God, Show Us Your Glory!"
Over the past week, the following promise keeps resonating in my spirit: "Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you." We are in a time...

"It's Your Time! Sky's the Limit!"
Hebrew Year 5779 At the end of December 2018, I had a vision. In this vision I saw a huge hawk swooping down from high, thrusting down...

Getting Your New Year's Revelation from God First
Many people start thinking about making New Year's resolutions this time of year. Have you ever tried to do a New Year's resolution, but...

October Newsletter (Folsom Street Fair)
I can't believe how quickly this year is going by. The Father's always faithful to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever even...

The Jewish year of 5779 (Ayin Tet) arrives the eve of Rosh Hashanah on September 9th, and with it, I believe will be a Great Awakening....

We Must Ride Like Thunder Across This Nation
There is a fierce fire that burns within all of our hearts, and the embers of this fire must be stirred to burn like a furnace. We must...