The Jewish Year 5776: The Year of Change
The Jewish Year 5776: The Year of Change This year, the year of 5776, in the Jewish calendar has significant meaning in the spirit realm....

Contending for the Latter Rain
Contending For The Latter Rain I am Contending for this Benjamin generation to engulf this Latter Glory. Benjamin received 5 times the...

Three Voices
Three Voices Robert Hotchkin robert@xpministries.com I feel we are in a critical time in the spirit right now. It is a time of great...

Refreshing, Revival and Renewal Straight from the River of Life
Refreshing, Revival and Renewal Straight from the River of Life Robert Hotchkin robert@xpministries.com I recently had a series of...

Flames of Fire Igniting Around the World
Flames of Fire Igniting Around the World You are my MESSENGERS OF BURNING FLAMES OF FIRE, declares the Lord. In the next 90 days, you...

Elijah the Prophet
The LORD’s Signet Ring “”On that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will take you ……’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will make you like my...

Sovereign Victory
Sovereign Victory! Robert Hotchkin robert@xpministries.com God is sovereign. And in His sovereignty His great desire is to have a people...