On June 04, 2016, late in the evening as I was praying, the Lord gave me these words for the body of Christ: My church has become cold...
The Present Moving of God Among Men
My assessment on the present moving of God among men: I wonder if the present day apostles and prophets along, with the apostolic company...
A Word Concerning the Church in America: God is Calling
Speak Out and Be of Good Courage I was standing near the window in my kitchen thinking about this election. I often do this as I begin to...

I had a visitation from the Lord on March 4, 2016 at 3:01 AM. In it He took me to the ‘Halls of Heaven’ where a great Company of Prophets...
The Realm of Kings
In this Easter Season, we begin to reflect The Realm of Kings. Yes, REFLECT on that time when Our King of Glory was reduced to the state...
The Sheep and Fish Gates Are Getting Ready To Open
The Sheep and Fish Gates Are Getting Ready To Open Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, ancient doors, that the King of glory...
Early Spring Harvest
The Lord said to me, "It has become as Springtime. Winter is over...the dormant seed will spring forth speedily. With the promises of...
God of the Impossible in 2016
Here we are on the threshold of 2016, and I want you to know that the Lord is setting us up for some incredible breakthroughs, increases,...
Watchmen, your transition is getting ready to change your position
This year I have personally had two assignments, sent by an Angel, that would trigger an avalanche, wipe out the enemy’s plans, and...
Awakening Talents
"I AM AWAKENING TALENTS ALL OVER THE WORLD USE THEM" SAYS THE LORD! I was driving to church when the Lord invaded my car.He began to...