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On June 04, 2016, late in the evening as I was praying, the Lord gave me these words for the body of Christ: My church has become cold and indifferent, going to and fro, not managing the affairs of the Kingdom of God that I have entrusted to them. Repent and turn your hearts back toward me, and follow after my spirit. Seek me while I still may be found. For soon there is coming a day that I, the great I AM, will return for a Bride that is not lukewarm, nor cold, but HOT! My day is approaching sooner than you believe. You refuse to trust me; you refuse to trust me with your finances. Do you not know it is I, your Lord, that provides all you have, but you, in return, rob Me. You pray and I answer your prayers; that is my desire. You ask and I give, yet you take the very blessing I give you and use it for excuses, to not serve me. Why do you turn away? It is not I that has led you astray; it is you that has walked away. I provide for you a way of escape, yet instead you run to sin. You are my people and I am your God, but yet you act as if you are a slave child having to serve me, instead of rejoicing that your name has been written in the Lambs Book of Life. Wake Up! For my patience will endure for a season. I have lost little ones that need to be told the gospel. Will you speak? Who will tell them? Who will go? Or will you continue on your own path of destruction? A road of deception is in your pathway, can you not see? Can you not hear what my spirit is saying? The devil has come to kill, steal, and destroy. Do you not believe my word? My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. When will you surrender all to me? Today is the day of Salvation, take my hand and follow me. Please head to this word, HE is Coming! Souls weigh in the balance, waiting, crying out for help. There are so many that desire a Savior, yet it is the body of Christ job to GO and seek for that one lost sheep. It's ALL about Jesus. Jeannie Amar

River of Life

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