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Kingdom Men Arising! God is Raising Up Men Who Will Raise the Bar!

Get ready to see a move of God among men in the Body of Christ. It will be marked by significant personal encounters with Holy Spirit that stir men to arise as mature sons who move beyond being mere Believers to become true disciples. The "God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob" will reach out to men of every generation and invite them to walk with Him and be mentored deep unto deep in the ways of the Kingdom as He launches them into greater authority, greater reach, and greater impact in every sphere of influence.

More than releasing men into what we traditionally think of as ministry, this move will be about releasing the revelation that as followers of Christ men are in ministry right where they are – in their workplaces, communities, families, marriages, friendships, and relationships – and because of whom they walk with, they are plugged into the most brilliant mind, creative power, influential force, and abundant source in the entire universe.

These sons will know their Father, and in knowing Him they will have a grace and passion to make His character, nature, will and ways known in all they do. They will be about their Father's business in every area of society, because they have allowed Him to do a deep work in their hearts and minds.

The "Men's Movement"

In Matthew 4:18-22 we see Jesus begin His ministry in the earth by approaching men and personally inviting them to come and follow Him. Those who said yes walked closely with the Lord each and every day. He taught, mentored, and poured into them. He gave them a new way to look at things, a new way to do things, and a new way to approach the world and the people in it.

On a daily basis, Jesus encouraged them, empowered them, and provided for them; all while helping them get past any mindsets or behavior patterns that had trapped or limited them. It didn't matter if they had been successful or had been struggling. It didn't matter if they were well educated, or had no formal education whatsoever. Their pasts and histories didn't qualify or disqualify them. It wasn't about their personality types. All that mattered was that they were willing to respond to His invitation when He reached out to them.

These men became His closest friends and associates, and grew into what became the first Century Church – a group of Kingdom-minded, miracle-working Believers who went throughout the earth bearing witness of His presence, power and personality. Jesus met these men where they had been and turned them into agents of impact for the world and days in which they lived.

Raising Up Those Who Will Raise the Bar

He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), and He is about to do a similar thing among men in the Body in this hour. Another movement among men is coming where the Lord will once again sweep through the land, inviting men to come and follow Him. Those who respond will encounter His presence, experience His character and nature, and in that will awaken, arise and be released into who they are and what they carry as sons of God.

The Lord is about to raise up another generation of mature sons who are willing to allow Him to "raise the bar" in their lives. These men will respond to His invitation to "come up here" (Revelation 4:1), encountering Him more deeply, coming to know Him more fully, and cooperating with His transforming glory and grace more completely. These men will become agents of impact for the Kingdom in every sphere of society and realm of influence.

At XP Ministries we see this and are committed to serving it. That is why we are launching "Men on the Frontlines" – a series of live online and on-site events focused on mentoring Kingdom Men on how to live in the fullness of victory and influence they were created for. Men on the Frontlines is dedicated to supporting and blessing men as they are affirmed in their divine gifts, earthly callings, and godly character. And just like with His original disciples, the "men on the frontlines" that the Lord will raise up in this hour are going to have a tremendous impact on the people and world around them!

Prayer Directives:

Let's pray and agree that:

1. A great move of God is coming to men in the Body, marked by significant personal encounters with Holy Spirit that stir men to say yes to Jesus in greater and deeper ways!

2. These "men on the frontlines" will walk closely with the Lord, empowered and impassioned to be leaders and agents of impact in every sphere of influence, and every nation and region of the world!

3. These Kingdom Men will allow the Lord to help them "raise the bar" in their thoughts, words, actions, and lives so that all who see them get a glimpse of the Father!

4. This will be a move marked by the righteousness of His character and nature just as much as His presence and power!

5. Families, marriages, businesses, governments, communities, media, social structures, and more will be impacted for good by these mature sons of God!

6. Intercessors around the world will catch God's heart for this move amongst His men, and pray it forth in fullness!

Robert Hotchkin XP Ministries Email: Website:

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