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Rosh Hashanah: The year of the Sickle to the Harvest

October 2nd, 2016 at sundown begins the year 5777 according to the Jewish calendar, and every year I take time to hear what the Lord is saying for this coming New Year. On September 1, 2016 I went up on to my roof to pray. As I began climbing the ladder, I sensed a cloud surrounding me, and I knew God was highlighting something significant about my ascent up that ladder. I felt like He was telling me that this was a pivotal point, and that every step represents leaving the past behind, and that it is time to go higher.

I said, "Lord, do you mean a new level?", and I heard Him say, "NO; it's time for a new dimension of my Holy Spirit. Your faith has now overflowed into Favor. I will give you Favor."

As I made it to the top of the ladder to my destination, I began to pray. As I prayed, I saw the year "5777" in front of me, but the three 7's were turned upside down:ㄥㄥㄥ. All of the sudden they caught fire and hovered, and then they took off into 3 different directions, leaving a trail of gold behind them.

At seeing this vision, it immediately reminded me of Revelation 4:1-4, which speaks of the throne of heaven, where the voice summoned to "Come up here" where the twenty-four elders surrounded the throne dressed in white and wearing crowns of gold on their heads.

I feel like God is saying that we must follow Him to the heights in order to see from heaven's vantage point. I feel the 7's in my vision that caught fire, hovered, and took off into 3 different directions were God saying that He wants to bring wholeness to the earth (7 is the number of Spiritual perfection/completion). To bring wholeness to the earth, however, I feel God is going to do it in unexpected/uncommon ways, which He confirmed for me when the 7's were turned upside down. The kingdom of heaven does not operate as our kingdom on earth does, and I feel this is part of God's way of saying that things won't always look the way we expect them to when He moves, but that this is how He will reach those who are not easily reached.

As for the trail of gold, we know that the twenty-four elders surrounding the throne were dressed in white, representing purity and holiness, and their crowns of gold represented royalty and glory. I feel that as God's reaches out this next year, it will be done in very fiery and unorthodox ways (like the 7s), and as it spreads, it will leave a trail of gold behind where it goes, as a way to mark His people as a royal priesthood, a holy nation. There are many who do not know they are His sons and daughters, and this will bring them into their true identity.

The moment I saw the upside down 7's in my vision on September 1st, I immediately knew that they were not simply upside down 7's, but they were sickles -- sickles for bringing in the Harvest. In the beginning of the year 2016, I received a word concerning the Harvest, and have had the opportunity to speak and release this word as I traveled all over the world this year.

The most significant thing I feel God revealed to me through the word on the Harvest at the start of this year was particularly of the wheat stalks.

I saw 3 golden wheat stalks:

[if !supportLists]• [endif]One stalk was encased in black, and not much yellow could be seen;

[if !supportLists]• [endif]The 2nd stalk was not as black, and I could see the wheat kernels;

[if !supportLists]• [endif]The 3rd stalk had very little black encompassing it.

I asked the Lord what these stalks meant, and the Lord spoke, "These stalks signify souls in the years 2016, 2017, and 2018; in these next 3 years, go and make disciples of all nations. In the Jewish year of 5777 you will see increase 7 times more in healings and salvations." Each stalk represents the year-over-year harvest of souls and healing. As each year passes, God is healing those black/dark spots of the stalks and bring life and strength and increase to it.

The final scriptures I feel really tie into the vision God showed me are Romans 4:17-21, which says:

As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not. Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Without wavering in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

Just like the 7's I saw like sickles going throughout the earth to bring in the harvest, I believe that God also wants to bring increase and fruition to what you have been believing for, and 7 times greater in measure. But for this outpouring to come, we must recognize the Favor of God on and in our lives -- to know without hesitation that we are seen and known by God. Being His royal priesthood gives us confidence and activates the faith we need to go an possess the promised land before us.

As the Shofar blasts are blown, we are sounding a call - a war cry to rally the troops for action and to call the people together for prayer and repentance. I believe in this New Year that the sound of the Shofar will be like an air raid that alerts us to pay attention, as the harvest is ripe and the blast rings out as reminders to summon us into action.

He wants us to believe for the impossible in the New Year 5777, and He IS doing miraculous things beyond our comprehension, but He is calling us to partner with Him to release them. Will you say boldly say 'Yes' to answer His call to come up higher, taking one unwavering step at a time towards His fullness for you and for the harvest!

Till the end Angela

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