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Urgent Word: "Don't Lie Down in the Battlefield!"

The Father literally HIT my spirit recently and told me that this is an incredibly urgent word:

"My child...beloved child...even in the profound weakness and raging battle you find yourself in this very moment, lift your ear to Mine and hear what I have to say. You have fallen in complete weariness. I watched as you sank to your knees, overcome with despair after standing in faith for so long. And as you fell to your knees, the enemy of your soul aimed straight at your most vulnerable place in your arsenal: your HEART. And it was a direct hit, My child.

"And you fell on the battlefield, oh beloved daughter of My heart. I watched you in pain and total weariness from the battle. From months upon months of the fiercest warfare you have ever experienced, you lay down on the battlefield in the midst of the raging battle and closed your eyes crying, 'Father, I cannot face the battle anymore. I am knocked out. Let me sleep. The sleep of escape.' "And for a short moment you felt rest. But still the battle was raging all around you and you could not bear to open your eyes or find the strength to rise to your feet. 'Let me sleep on the battlefield,' you said, and Heaven was alerted. For although sleep was sweet and it was a brief escape, Heaven knew that it was an enticement and an entrapment and that if you did not arise, you would be overcome while you slept by the enemy. Oh child, I am talking to YOU, oh so beloved weary one. You who have cried to Me, 'Father this is it. I am DONE, I am finished, I have nothing left. No might, no strength, no ability to face the day.' Never Lie Down on the Battlefield! "But I tell you now My child, My angelic forces have been released and are hurrying to your side. Jesus, oh great lover of your soul, is riding toward you on His great white charger. Your KING is coming. Your KING is coming! And the cry from Heaven rang out: NEVER lie down on the battlefield in the midst of the battle. When you feel you are falling, CRY out to Heaven, for Heaven hears. CRY out to JESUS, for JESUS hears." Beloved, I watched as Jesus picked up the one who was lying weary and completely unable to help themselves. Oh how tenderly He held her and kissed her forehead and gently removed the spear from her heart. Then as her eyes flickered open, although she had so very little strength, she smiled through her tears in relief at the Lover of her soul.

"Never lie down on the battlefield," Jesus whispered. "When your strength to fight seems gone and you are so weary you feel yourself falling in the battle, cry to Me. For I will come directly to your aid, My child. I was in Gethsemane. I am deeply, deeply moved and touched by your infirmities. Oh child, beloved child, I too have known the agony of abandonment, of betrayal, of misunderstanding, of agonizing loss. I will NEVER leave you or forsake you, NEVER! I am HE who is TRUE." And I watched as Jesus placed the tired, wounded-weary one on His steed and she leaned her head on His back as He rode to the front of the battle. And as they rode, they passed angelic hosts with oils and liniments who rode alongside and ministered to the wounded princess' heart and mind. And slowly she regained her strength. Until by the time they reached the frontline, she was riding the steed herself. Her head held high, brandishing her sword. And Jesus was gone. Let's Pray:

Oh Father, I RELEASE SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH FOR THE BATTLE TO ALL who have lain down in the midst of the raging war on the battlefield. Beloved JESUS, come to our aid. Strengthen, encourage, minister as only You can. I release in the spirit realm divine HOPE to the hopeless, divine FREEDOM to the CAPTIVE, and divine STRENGTH to the WEARY. "RISE UP BELOVED," cries JESUS. "You are NEARLY through transition. You are SO close. Don't lie down on the battlefield now when you are SO close to victory. I AM your strength, I AM your future, I AM your purpose, I AM your Deliverer. You shall surely see My goodness in the land of the living. Your harvest is upon you." Yes, for many of you like Peter, the enemy asked for you that you may be sifted. But we have prayed for you that your faith would not fail (see Luke 22:31-32). The sifting process is almost over and is at an end. And the glory, the victor's crown, the harvest, incredible harvest, awaits you. All things restored. Nothing lost. Restitution. Restoration. The oil of joy for mourning. "Hold on through the last of the storm, for beloved child of My heart, the shore is now in sight."

Wendy Alec Founder, God TV Email: Website:


Wendy Alec is co-founder of one of the world's fastest-growing Christian networks, GOD TV, a dynamic media ministry, which airs more live programming from revival hotspots across the globe than any other broadcaster. Wendy is gifted with a remarkable prophetic voice and anointing with a passion for the Church and for media evangelism. She delivers a clear prophetic message to the Church, and her tremendous heart of mercy for the broken-hearted and for lost souls translates both to television and through her ministry as an author. She has written several books including: The Journal of the Unknown Prophet, A Pale Horse, Son of Perdition, Messiah - The First Judgment, The Fall Of Lucifer, and Visions From Heaven.

(The Elijah List)

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