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God’s Solution for Right Now

You are important. You are necessary. You are needed. That’s why you exist right here, right now. God created you to be a powerful expression of the truth and reality of His Kingdom in this moment. No matter what your background, history, or recent past has been. No matter what your current circumstances look or feel like. It is time to wake up to the reality that you are God’s plan for this hour. He wants to use you to affect real change in your spheres of influence and in the earth. Just like the Lord declares in Exodus 34:10 – “I will perform miracles that have never been done before anywhere in all the earth or in any nation. And all the people around you will see the power of the Lord – the awesome power I will display through YOU” (emphasis added).

This is your moment!

It is time for the church to completely shake off any and every residue of a victim mentality and step into our gloriously enlightened and empowered place of authority as Victors in Christ – in all things at all times. No more complaining. No more murmuring. No more self pity. No more sniping at or criticizing each other. No more wasting our time, energy, focus and authority on the distractions and traps of the enemy. It is time for us to realize we are God’s dominion stewards in the earth. This is the moment for us to arise and shine, and deal with the issues our neighborhoods, cities and nations are facing.

I know many of you have been through real challenges, and real heartbreaks of late. I can relate. But we must be aware that the reason the enemy has come at us so hard is because he is terrified we will realize the power that we have, and our ability in Christ to shift things in the earth (see Isaiah 55:5, Job 22:28, Matthew 6:10, Matthew 19:26, Mark 11:23, Luke 10:19, Acts 1:8). The enemy wants us complaining and cursing instead of declaring and blessing. He wants us maligning and accusing instead of honoring and lifting up. He wants us dividing and separating instead of uniting and coming together. He wants us bitter, doubting and afraid instead of blessed, bold and full of faith. Nothing we have faced, or that our world is facing, is an indication that the enemy is winning. As a matter of fact, it is all a divine set up for you, me, and all the church to step into our authority in Christ and take care of business in the spirit and the natural as Ambassadors and Expressions of His Total Victory!

You are in the Great I AM – He who is always Great, always Victorious, always Present, and always Present-Tense. That means that no matter what your past has been, your time is now. Your victory is now. Your influence and impact are now.

You Have a Decision to Make

The church is at an Esther 4 crossroads. Yes we are facing some seemingly mighty obstacles. Yes many of us have been through some things that were difficult, “not fair,” and hard to understand. And yes there is an onslaught of assaults and schemes against God’s people and His principles. BUT if we are willing to not dwell on all of that, and instead look to our God All Mighty who is Invincible in Battle (see Psalm 24:7-10), we will see this moment for what it is: A divine set-up for us to step out in faith, and step into an amazing opportunity to see the plots and ploys of the enemy exposed and destroyed through our prayers, our intercession, our decisions, our downloads, our stepping out with and for God!

In Esther 4 we read of an enemy who has hatched a plot to come against the position and influence of God’s people in the earth. He wants to utterly destroy them. But God had someone in the perfect place at the perfect time to deal with this seemingly impossible situation – Esther. To be effective in the hour, Esther had to look beyond what she had been through. The Persians had destroyed her city. She was a victim of human trafficking. She had been kidnapped, enslaved, and held against her will. But instead of dwelling on all of that, Esther grabbed hold of her moment, chose to trust in God, and was willing to believe that it was all a divine set-up for her to step into great influence and be an agent of impact “for such a time as this” (see Esther 4:14). To do this, she had to overcome two lies of the enemy. First, that she was not able to do anything to impact the situation (see Esther 4:11). And second, that she should not risk the measure of comfort she had finally achieved after everything she had been through, but instead just keep her mouth shut and ride it all out until there were better days (see Esther 4:13). Esther had a decision to make. She decided to look beyond her past and see the divine set up of it all. She decided to trust God. When she did, she had a massive, historical impact.

So can you.

But first you also have a decision to make. You have choose to see beyond what you have been through, or what you are facing, and trust in God that it is all a divine set up. Do not believe the lies of the enemy that you are too small or too insignificant to have an impact, or that the battle is not yours and you would be better off simply sitting on the sidelines until it all plays out. You are God’s plan for the hour. You, standing in your divine authority as His dominion steward in the earth, are His solution in your life and in your sphere of influence. The devil wants you thinking you are pitiful. It is time to realize that in Christ you are powerful.

Now is the time for us to speak to our situations, and even our nations, and expect them to obey because the Lord has made us glorious (see Job 22:28 and Isaiah 55:5) – shining representations of His total triumph over every manifestation and minion of the enemy!

Let’s pray and agree that:

[1] The church shall arise and shine ­– we will not be put off by the darkness that is in the earth, but instead we will embrace the fullness of power we have been given in Christ to change the world. (Isaiah 60:1-3)

[2] Each and every believer will receive great grace to look beyond their history and see who they truly are in Christ – empowered dominion stewards in the earth, well equipped to deal with any and every situation we and the world face. (Genesis 1:26-28)

[3] The eyes of our understanding will be enlightened, and we will all come to understand the incredible greatness of power and authority we have to affect change in the earth to the glory of the Lord. (Ephesians 1:15-23)

[4] The enemy is not winning. The church is encouraged and empowered. We shall not fear, but instead we are bold in advancing the Kingdom in the earth – realizing we have the victory and enforcing it anywhere and everywhere we see the enemy try to raise up a stronghold. (Luke 10:19, 2 Samuel 5:20)

[5] God has put His words in our mouths so that we declare who He is and all that He has done – tearing down every work of darkness, slaying every giant and seeing righteousness established in the land!

[6] We will speak to nations and they will obey – coming into Kingdom order, and having truth triumph over every lie, light break forth and eliminate all darkness –because the Lord has made us glorious (Isaiah 55:5)

Robert Hotchkin

Patricia King Ministries

Robert Hotchkin is a speaker, author and media host. He is one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. He fervently believes every Christian is a miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspires believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go! Robert is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ, and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He is a true carrier of the glory and revival. People have been healed, refreshed, set free, and empowered through his life. He believes for Heaven to impact lives and regions everywhere he goes.

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