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"The Doors are Opening: It's Your Time!"

The Sound of the Groaning

Recently as I was praying, I saw a vision of a beautiful diamond encrusted key...this key was being held by an angel who was standing between Heaven and Earth. Then I saw an arched doorway of ancient stone. The door itself was made of cedar wood and the latches were of iron.

I looked to see if this angelic presence was ascending or descending, but the angel did not go either way. As I waited, I began to notice there were more angelic beings accompanying. Each one was suspended in the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth. They too had keys which were made of different jewels and metals.

I began to feel a movement beneath my own feet. I then heard a groan coming from the earth. "Was this an earthquake or pending disaster," I thought? Then I heard the groan again. I felt uneasy at first, but I listened and instantly I heard Holy Spirit speak, "Theresa, we know that the whole of creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth, right up to the present time" (see Romans 8: 22).

I then felt myself shudder as if from a chill, but I wasn't cold. Then instantly the Spirit spoke again, "Creation is groaning...look up." So I looked up and saw one of the angelic beings smiling—this one had an ancient key. I then saw the door once more and watched as the angel took the key to the door's lock and began to turn it. My heart was racing with excitement and everything around me was moving as if to see what was behind the door. Everything was making noise and all of creation was moving toward this place in time.

Go Through the Door! It's Your Time!

I then heard the sound of a morning dove. The bird was circling above everything. Angelic beings all began to move in with anticipation and excitement. "Praise the LORD, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His bidding, who obey His Word" (Psalms 103:20).

All of a sudden the door began making a sound, and the ancient locks of iron broke open with a loud noise. From inside the door I could see trees, and the sound of excitement on the other side was so exuberant that I wanted in! "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands" (Isaiah 55:12).

I was still observing and filled with joyful expectation and energy when everything went silent in total reverence. The humility that entered the atmosphere was untouchable.

Then God's presence emerged from the inside, filled with light. From His presence came the words, "It's time to go through the doors. It's time to activate. It's time to send My people into higher plains. I say, GO NOW! Unlock the doors in the earth. Let My people go! Go rescue My people from plans of men. I am awakening their spirits to advancement. Go show My people how to get to safer, higher realms. I am strengthening the weak and giving strategies to the poor; I am awakening My Bride, I am forging new paths."

The angelic beings, holding the keys in their hands, began to move quickly—some were riding on the backs of celestial birds, flying to the below. Some were like armies marching down ancient steps. The atmosphere charged with anticipation and excitement! Some moved swiftly and some waited for more orders. I looked and I saw that the nations were like a map before the presence of God.

Then out of nowhere came a fragrance unlike anything I had smelled before. It was like a garden, it was like a fire, it was like spring delightful, so satisfying. As the Lord turned, I noticed the tip of a crown, glittering in magnificent light...I was undone, I was weeping, my spirit groaning. Now I was longing for more. The glory filled the atmosphere and I was in a sacred moment in time. I had visited a celestial meeting orchestrated by the Almighty. It's time now, I must look for the doors that He has designed for me and BELIEVE I can go through and succeed.

Come Lord Jesus, Come! My Prayer is This:

Dear Jesus, please touch Your people once again. Please show them the way. Please give them a fresh hope and understanding. Give them fire in their bones. Heal their spirits and bodies. Give them joy unspeakable. Show them the way to success. Stop the hindering forces, remove veils, breakaway the locks holding them back. Help, O Lord, in these times of trouble. May peace like a dove descend upon Your people and fire like a lamp stand rest upon them.

POWER from above, help us to stand. Move Your people to be strong and of good courage. O Lord, GOD, touch and touch again and again, do not hold back! I praise You, I adore You and I am truly humbled once again that His Majesty, the King, would pour out such help in these days. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.

Dr. Theresa Phillips Founder and Chief, Editor, Global Prophetic Voice Email: Website:

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