The Jewish year of 5779 (Ayin Tet) arrives the eve of Rosh Hashanah on September 9th, and with it, I believe will be a Great Awakening. This great awakening will be explosive in the New Year of 5779. The letter “Tet” is the ninth letter of the Hebrew language, and is considered to symbolize the womb; the nine months of pregnancy. September 9th (9/9) is the key to the gateway from the impossible to the possible. Birthing of dreams and promises from long ago will come in this New Year, believe it.
In January 2016, I was having a conversation with Patricia King before joining her on her XPMedia program. During our conversation, Patricia asked me if I had an idea of who was going to win the Presidential election, and if God had spoken to me about that. I said, “Well, it's really interesting that you ask that, because I had a dream (I rarely dream), and in my dream I saw that the 45th President of the United States was to be Donald Trump (the #45 means inheritance). The Father said he would be a trumpet sound for the world.
I had two words from the dream that stood out
The first word was that a major shaking was going to happen from the White House to the Church house. I saw 2 trees in a field, and the winds blew so powerfully that I didn’t know if they would be left standing. Dead branches were scattered everywhere, and rotten fruit fell to the ground; I wasn’t sure if a single branch would remain once the winds subsided. In my dream I heard the words of Jesus from John 15, saying, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”
I believe that from the first moment President Trump stepped into office in January of 2017, that we have seen such a turnaround in America. There has been much pruning taking place, and branches have been cutback severely or removed, but these trees will mature into the fullness God has purposed in the Political arenas and the Church house.
I knew the dream held a lot of significance to me personally, but I have watched in wonder as the Lord’s hand has been moving mightily in the White House. We have seen many triumphs and some defeats so far in the past 20 months. Jobs and employment have exponentially increased in America, and our military is hard at work back on the frontlines, protecting our great country. We are a nation that will not be stepped on, because we honor the military under the men and women that God has placed in governmental authority.
The second word I heard from the Father was that a turnaround would come from his seat of authority. I knew when I shared the prophetic word from Passover to Pentecost March of 2018 about President Trump that he would be the President chosen to bring Israel back into its full rightful seat of authority, thus returning Israel’s land. As I shared in that prophetic word, I don’t believe that even former presidents Bush Sr. or Jr., or Obama or Clinton could have brought Israel back into restoration; it had to be President Trump. While praying for our President, I felt so strongly that President Trump was going to release a sound in December of 2017 significant to Israel. At the end of December of 2017, President Trump made a public statement, declaring that Jerusalem should officially be recognized as the capital of Israel, and starting plans for relocating the American Embassy to Jerusalem in 2018 (Israel’s 70th anniversary).
Just like the trees in my vision, a lot of shaking and shifting occurs when the winds of the Spirit blow. The White House is no exception. There is a lot of shaking going on in the White House, but the Lord has been drawing my attention to parallels between “church and state”. He said to me recently, “Notice that things in the Church house have been very different lately. Pay attention.” This was a strong message to my spirit that if the winds are blowing heavily through the White House to cleanse and restore and strengthen America, he is going to start shaking the church house as well.
We're already seeing signs of His shaking in the church. Many ministries are being hit hard and exposed, and God is removing men and women whose hearts have turned away from Him. That isn’t to say these ministers intended to be corrupt or divisive; I believe most of them began their ministries honorably, with hearts set on doing the Father’s Will. Some of them have lost their sight— that 20/20 vision they received from the Father when they first felt called into ministry. Things are shifting in the church body as we know it, and we as God’s people can feel the effects of the pruning. We are a family, and when one hurts, we all hurt. But as we pray for one another and trust God’s plans, we will see this shaking bring forth so much health and life and purity to the body. I believe there are ministers that have been hidden for such a time as this, who will rise up to help reestablish holiness and honor and right paths for the church to follow.
In this time of renewal and birthing, I hear the Father saying it is time. He is placing judges and Apostolic Prophetic reformation into the government of both church and state. Some people won't like it because it means that God's people are going to need to abide by the laws that were given in His Holy Word, and not to compromise. For the year 5779, I believe that it will be the year to storm the gates. I shared a word last year about the gates unlocking, but this year I heard even more clearly about the revelation in Isaiah 66:6-9, which says:
Hear that uproar from the city, hear that noise from the temple!
It is the sound of the Lord repaying his enemies all they deserve.
“Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; Before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.
Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.
“Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her;
Rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her.
For you will nurse and be satisfied.”
This is such a powerful reminder, because there was an uproar for justice going across the nations and the land. We are done with the injustice, we're done with “status quo” and just barely getting by. People are fighting for everything they have right now— their marriages, their children, their families, their jobs, their finances, and more. Everything feels like a battle right now, but the Lord says as we step into Rosh Hashanah to GET READY, as this year will be like none before it. The Father is setting us up for the year 2020.
As a personal prayer request, I urge you to please be in prayer for the churches in Sweden. On September 9th, their government has an election taking place which could elect a new Prime Minister into office. Sweden and Israel were strong allies at one time, and this new Prime Minister must be one like God gave America— a Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing leader, passionate about seeing Israel restored.
Til the end,