"Pentecost 2020: Extreme Outpouring - God, Show Us Your Glory!"

Over the past week, the following promise keeps resonating in my spirit: "Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you." We are in a time where we need an extraordinary empowering of God's Holy Spirit, like never before. I kept hearing the Lord say that the 50 days between Passover and Pentecost would be challenging days for many, but that He is resetting hearts as He continues to draw us back to Himself. He wants us to rise up and be a voice for those who have no voice – like a voice in the wilderness.
God Has Not Abandoned You!
Even as Christians, many people are fighting inner battles right now. Some people are facing hardships and disappointments. They're depressed and feel hopeless, and some even feel like God has abandoned them. I want to remind you with absolute assurance that God has NOT abandoned you!
I recently had a vision, and in that vision I saw keys floating in the spirit realm. I saw three of these keys illuminate, like a bright, fiery gold. I heard the Father say, "These are wisdom keys – three that I give to you this day, daughter, that will help you to draw closer to Me. I have so many things that I want to tell you and share with you, to give you a future and a hope and an expected end."
I find myself reminded, now more than ever, that in the absence of order, chaos erupts! We are, without a doubt, facing global chaos and confusion on every side in this season, but we cannot focus on that. We must fix our eyes on the Father, and the promises found in His Word that He will work all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Drawing Near
While praying for our nations and the chaos surrounding us, God showed me a vision of a mountain erupting. From this eruption, I saw the most amazing, brilliant blue fire explode from the top. The Lord said to me, "I am erupting with My power and glory and authority, and it will take you from where you've been to where you're going! I've given you keys that will unlock the doors and set multitudes free, but I need My people to draw near to Me, like My people did in Exodus 33."
I feel this drawing near to the Father is the first key that will unlock doors to our belief systems and align our hearts and minds with His truth, dispelling the chaos and lies that are swirling around us. While reading back through Exodus 33 and the story of Moses leading God's people from Egypt into the Promise Land, the Lord highlighted verse 13 in particular to me. In it, Moses says to God, "If You are pleased with me, teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You. Remember that this nation is Your people."
Seeking to Hear
Prior to this request, Moses was uncertain how to lead God's people. It wasn't until Moses partnered with God, to understand His ways, that Moses received clear instruction from the Lord on how to lead His people into the Promised Land. I think many of us can relate to feeling lost or uncertain on how to carry out the promises God has placed into our hearts. We can learn a lot from the vulnerability of Moses and His willingness to not only ask, but to commit himself to learning God's ways. Moses asked God for wisdom, and I believe that is the second key for us in this season: we need to seek to truly hear God. We need a deeper revelation and understanding to experience God. I pray a fresh wind would begin to blow on the embers of our hearts as I say this, like those spoken of in 2 Timothy 1.
Back to Exodus 33. Moses went on to say in verse 15, "'If Your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that You are pleased with me and with Your people unless You go with us? What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?' And the Lord said to Moses, 'I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name'" (Exodus 33:15-17). Moses' intent wasn't God's endorsement; He simply wanted more of God. He didn't want what God could give him, because he recognized that the greatest gift he had was God Himself. He simply wanted to know him. I believe that's the desire of all of our hearts today.
Show Me Your Glory
The third key the Father revealed to me was contained in the very next verse of Exodus 33. In verse 18, Moses said, "Now show me Your glory." God's glory is a part of His attributes. God sees the desires of our hearts today and wants to pour His glory upon us! I look at the leaders in our world – the modern-day Moses, whose jobs seem impossible. They are called to carry out responsibilities that no man or woman should ever be able to carry out, yet they do.
I believe many people can relate to this feeling right now – but the Lord keeps calling us to Himself, saying, "I just want to have fellowship with you, son and daughter!" That is the realm we want to be in – the one where we realize the power of what God did from Passover to Pentecost, and that His power is still very much alive and tangible for us today! Harvesters sharpen your sickles the harvest is greater than what we can imagine.
Shake off the seasons of fear and lack, and don't let the enemy win with all of his confusion and chaos. No more! Plead the Blood of Jesus and His resurrection power.
Let's pray: Father, we bind up the lying spirit, the spirit of fear, and the spirit of heaviness. We loose the banner of truth, the gift of faith, and let the oil flow to bring healing and restoration in Your name, Jesus. Amen and amen!
Till the end,
Angela T. Greenig Angela Greenig Ministries International Email: angela@angelagreenig.com Website: www.angelagreenig.com