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As we journey further into this new year of 2021, I believe the Lord is laying the groundwork for one of the greatest outpourings of Revival we have seen – an outpouring of faith and evangelism, and the release of God’s destiny upon His people. While this may seem far-reaching, especially in light of the challenges we have faced across the nations in this past season, the Father is calling to you – reminding you of the exceedingly great and precious promises He has for you! He is affirming you that the challenges in your life that have held you back, WILL fall. Threads of past failures, hurt, and rejection will wither away, as His love fills you with a faith like never before.

The Lord has revealed many things that I believe He wants to release this year, the first of which is an increase in Angelic visitation. This year is also going to be a catalyst for the greatest years of Angelic visitation that we have ever witnessed! The Lord shared a vision with me recently that I feel is significant for this year. In this vision, I saw a hawk fervently descending to earth. As the hawk drew closer, I saw him extend his talons, his gaze intently fixed. Once he reached his destination, he began to snatch his prey within his talons, and carry it swiftly away.

I believe the Lord used the image of a hawk because hawks are strong, powerful birds. Their feet are equipped with sharp, curved talons for capturing prey, and their strong beaks are hooked for biting and tearing flesh. They are focused and resourceful predators. Just like the hawk, I believe the Father is summoning His Angels to descend upon us. As these Angels reach God’s people, they will begin tenaciously removing obstacles, clearing a path for His people to move freely forward into their destinies. The boundaries of captivity that once held them back will be destroyed!

While we wait in anticipation of this Divine Intervention, I think it is very important that we posture ourselves to RECEIVE the freedom and fullness that is coming. Don’t wait for the breakthrough to come before starting your journey out of captivity – now is the time! THIS is your time! The sky is the limit to what you can have, or achieve, when you pray and believe. Begin taking steps of faith on that path, as though it is already cleared! God will see your faith in-action, and will remove the obstacles before you! And you can rejoice, knowing that your setbacks have now become your setup!

As the year progresses, I believe we will see a major paradigm-shift that will take place throughout the lands. In the natural realm, we will see earthquakes and mudslides and fires and winds and rains – but these natural occurrences will be God’s creation groaning and trembling, crying out for their King, like birth pangs. I hear the Father saying, “If my sons and daughters are fervently seeking me when they witness devastation in the natural realm, just imagine if they responded with that level of fervency to the devastation occurring in spirit realm?” It would be cataclysmic! We would see a flood of souls having their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life!

There is spiritual significance in numbers. If we break down the year 2021, the number “20” represents, “redemption”, and the number “21” represents, “the covering of sins". For true Revival to take place, it will require people to realize the weight of their sin, and their need for God as the Redeemer who can carry them out of their sins and into His freedom and glory. Only then can they fully receive adoption as His child, and step into their identity and destiny.

The Father has promised to work all things to the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). I believe He is redeeming the cries of His people right now— cries that have been desperate for redemption and freedom. In its place, He is stirring a faith that will arise in greater measure than we have even dream about; a pure and true faith to believe for the impossible – and the impossible WILL become possible!

Just like in Daniel chapter 3 when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in the fiery furnace for not bowing in worship before King Nebuchadnezzar, we are called to have faith that God will protect and redeem us as we passionately pursue Him, no matter the cost. God sent an angel to be in their midst and make a way for them— just like the angels I believe the Lord is releasing in this season of your life, to make clear pathways before you!

The Lord also used an angelic visitation to encourage Daniel in Daniel chapter 10, while he was fasting for 21 days concerning a great war he saw in a vision. The angel encouraged Daniel, giving him strength, and equipping him to continue hearing from the Father concerning His people.

I use these powerful examples in scripture to encourage you that God met the radical faith of his servants, and provided exactly what they needed, when they needed it, because they fixed their eyes on Him. I believe that radical faith is arising all throughout America and other nations! I hear the Father saying, “You will see stadiums filled with my glory. You will see me moving obstacles – mountains that have been in your way that seem impossible to move.” God is calling us to have faith that can move the mountains in front of us! “Have faith in me”, says the Lord. “Tell my sons and daughters that it is time to walk by faith, and to stop walking by sight. You don't have to walk by sight! You walk by my Word, my power, my fire, by my Spirit”, says the Lord. “I will breathe on you a fresh fire – get ready!”

This is your time to move forward with fervency – to breathe deeply the breath of LIFE God placed within your lungs. It is your time to release the fire and the faith within you that performs miracles, signs, and wonders that will touch and impact the nations for His glory. God wants to impart wisdom to you to fulfill the destiny and dreams within your life – dreams that you may have thought were aborted or stolen. Dreams that you thought you had laid down. God says you will walk in a greater power of the Holy Spirit! For many people, this is your year of favor, and the IMPOSSIBLE becoming possible.

The previous years have been a time of alignment and preparation. They have been vital to the purposes and plans that God has in store for each one of us. These plans will be revealed in their fullness this year as we will pray, seek, and pay attention to the Spirit’s move. God’s laws also must be in place, not only in the natural, but in the Spirit as well. During this time of alignment, God is bringing divine perfection/law/order, on earth as it is in heaven.

While praying into the year 2020, and again in 2021, I keep seeing the letters “D-E-R” over and over again. I hear them as an acronym for the Father’s promises for this year:

D : Deliver my Gospels, as they will ignite the Fire of my Holy Spirit.

E : Evangelize - go and speak my Word, and draw in the lost. Instead of hundreds, you will see thousands.

R : Revival. You will see my Spirit unleashed within stadiums all over the world. Where there have been 20,000 or more coming for prayer in the past, you will begin to see city-wide revival. Evangelists will be teaching, training, and releasing Kingdom power and authority that will set ablaze the landscape of every step you take. The city will be yours!

I believe 2021 will be a year of the Prophet and Evangelist - Fathers and Mothers who will take their rightful seats of authority at God’s table. There will be a spiritual change this year that will charge the atmosphere. Many have suffered great losses, but “suddenlys” (moments where God acts suddenly) are being released!

I hear the Lord encouraging us as He did in Isaiah 60:1 (AMPC), which says, “Arise Sons and Daughters from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you— arise into a new life! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!”

This new season is here, and it’s now. It will take faith to step into the fullness of what God has called and ordained for you. Many of you have an uncommon (rare and special) seed that will produce an uncommon harvest!! What you have is valuable, and needed.

Verses 2-3 of Isaiah 60 go on to say, “For behold, darkness shall cover the

earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you [O Jerusalem], and His glory shall be seen on you.”

What a fantastic promise you’ve been given, that the Lord of Heaven and Earth is rising upon you - right now!!! You have purpose in His Kingdom; what you do with your seed and the year ahead will be determined by you. If you keep the seed (your destiny, business, family, etc) in your hands, God cannot activate the fullness of His Blessings and goodness.

“For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:8 AMPC)

I want to petition you – This year, determine in your Soul (your mind, will, and emotions) that THIS is the year you SUCCEED in all that you do. Speak to the mountains and the circumstances in your life. Decree and speak into those things that have not yet happened, that they will. I believe that God is daring us to dream again. The writing is on the wall, and losing is not an option. Far too long many have settled for status quo, barely getting by…but getting by.

“And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about you and see! They all gather themselves together, they come to you. Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried and nursed in the arms. Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy [at the glorious deliverance] and be enlarged. (Isaiah 60:3-5 AMPC)

This new season will be just that: new and refreshing! You WILL step into your destiny!

I hear the Lord say I am releasing a transfer of the Kingly/Priestly anointing on my sons and daughters. Are you ready to receive it?

Till the End,


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